First attempt at migrating to Drupal 9 -> many questions


back here after I’ve done many unsuccessful attempts to solve my problem. Short summary :

  • the openshift migration broke the site, in particular page
  • I’ve opened a ticket but got no solution
  • we thus decided to undo the migration. But site is still broken anyway !
  • the problem is that I need to install an external library (sibyx/phpgpx) but it seems impossible in current site as you can only install it with composer and composer was not supported
  • now composer starts to be supported, but I need to create a new site to be able to use it. I’ve followed the instructions at Creating a drupal site with extra configuration [Temporary] but my new site does not seem to be created…

So I’m stuck again, and getting bored of so many things failing one after the other and lack of support via tickets. Thanks by the way for the support given here, it’s way more valuable than the answers I go t to my tickets.

Are you able to tell me why site test-rcc-drupal9 in openshift does not get created ? Alternatively, do you know how to install an external library on an existing site without composer ?

