[01/2020] Drupal 7.69 release (Security update) and central modules update

Update of Drupal Core:

Name Installed Version Proposed version Message
Drupal 7.67 7.69 SECURITY UPDATE

Update of Centrally Managed Modules:

Name Installed Version Proposed version Message
admin_views 7.x-1.6 7.x-1.7 SECURITY UPDATE
faq 7.x-1.1 7.x-1.2 SECURITY UPDATE
webform 7.x-4.19 7.x-4.21 SECURITY UPDATE
captcha 7.x-1.5 7.x-1.6
field_permissions 7.x-1.0 7.x-1.1
honeypot 7.x-1.25 7.x-1.26
link 7.x-1.6 7.x-1.7
metatag 7.x-1.25 7.x-1.26
views 7.x-3.22 7.x-3.23
webform_validation 7.x-1.15 7.x-1.16

Planned release date :calendar:

Test/ Personal sites: 2020-01-08T07:30:00Z
Official sites: 2020-01-14T11:30:00Z