CERN standard header malfunction

Hi ! My new D8 site uses nothing but the standard CERN theme.
When I choose to use the logo coming from the theme, I get the following with Edge: a huge logo right in the middle of the header.
With Chrome and Firefox, the logo simply does not appear.

Could you please advise ?
Thank you !

Hello Stephan,

Thank you for reporting. Can you provide the URL of your website?


Here it is:

Hello Stephan,

The issue is that you have the “Site Branding” block placed in the header region. if you disable it the issue will be solved. Can you try it and let me know?


The point is that I’d like to have the site branding, i.e. the CERN logo, the title of the site and a short sentence describing what it is about.
I would like to do it in a standard way, I think the branding area is for that.

@Stephan I can see your point but the Branding block is not necessary since those settings are managed by the CERN theme.

More specifically, if you navigate to the appearance settings of your the theme [ /admin/appearance/settings/cernclean ] and scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can find settings related to displaying basic elements of the website.


From this group of settings you can choose whether you want the site name and the site slogan to be rendered and also whether you want the CERN logo on footer to be dark [ based on the color palette that you have chosen]. You can also choose a custom site logo.

By the way, you mention that you want the CERN logo on the header of the website. However, based on the Drupal design guidelines the CERN logo can only be displayed on the footer of the website.

Kostas Platis

Aha ! If, no CERN logo should be in the header, the no CERN logo there will be !
I guess that solves my issue. Just: why is it in the standard CERN theme then ? I guess this made me believe it was the default.

The CERN logo was there because of the site branding block. Apparently it is a bug which we will have to fix either way.