Comments export

Dear all,
I created an article with the option to leave comments.
Now my question is, is there a way to export all comments?
Thank you for your help.
Matthias Haase

Dear Matthias,

First you need to install the Views data export module.

Then create a view that will show Comments and click on Provide REST export as well.

In the REST export page you will be able to select the data’s format (e.g. CSV etc.) to export.

Dear Sotirios,
Thank you, for the fast answer.
I try to install “View data export module”, first there was a many other modules to install.
But still not possible to install the module there are missing User,System,csv_serialization
But User and System are again many modules I think that is too complicate.
finally the module csv_serialization I cannot find

What is the URL of your website?

This is the page I’m currently trying

Dear Matthias,

The required modules have some dependencies and they require the installation of some libraries which makes a bit difficult.

I can propose an alternative. Go to Configuration, then click on CERN Infrastructure under System. Then in the menu click on Database Administration. Click on your website’s database on the left column. It should have a name dsxxxsomething. Once the tree is expanded type comment in the search field and click on the comment_field_data body.

This table hold all the comments of your website. You can click on Export under the results and export them in any format you want including CSV. The enity_id column displays the node’s id that the comments are from so you can easily identify them.

I hope this helps.

Dear Sotirios,
Sorry for the delay!
Perhaps I make something wrong, I get not the comments, only Database information.

Dear Matthias,

Sorry my mistake. The correct table is comment__comment_body under comments (see attached image).


Dear Sotirios,

Sorry that is not really what I need.
I need it as plain text or word format, of course, also with the pictures, see example

Sorry that I am so annoying :wink:


What i need:

Dear Matthias,

I don’t think this is possible. The modules required to export the content in CSV format from a view have dependencies to external libraries that are not easy to install in the current infrastructure setup.

As for exporting the content to a word file, there is a module that is in beta state and also requires external libraries.

I think the easier way is to export them from the database as text.

Dear Soitiros,

The solution that comes closest to my wishes is a normal print as PDF and then conversion to PowerPoint

Thanks again for your support,