Customs Blocks doesn't show up


I’ve been trying to add a custom block to a Landing Page, but with no success. Do you know if I need to change anything in the Landing Page display settings in order to show the Custom Block?


Hey @rcostaan,

In this case since you are using Landing Page content type, I would recommend you to create a Block view and then use the view into the Landing Page as a component. The custom blocks do not well integrate with Landing Page content type and thus the best you can opt for is to use paragraph types or integrate a view in your Landing Page.

To summarise, you can create a Block view and then create a component in your Landing Page. Refer to the screenshots below :

I hope this helps.


Thank you. I will try it out.


Hello Prakhar,

But is it possible to edit the text inside a Block view? I’m trying to create it and only but it is featuring content that I don’t want to be featured in the block. Basically I want to write myself what is inside the Block view just like a custom block. Is it possible?


Hey @rcostaan,

I understand the constraints, since a view only fetches content from a specific target content type one can’t have much customisation on that end. What I can recommend in this case is to use paragraph types. You can add a component in your Landing Page and in there you can use basic paragraph types (ex: article box, resource box, text component etc.) since these can be easily customised depending upon your requirement.

I hope this helps.
