Drupal webform_Image field

Dear Drupal Team,

In one of the webforms I have on the following webpage: Submit a WQD event | WQD, there is a field to submit an image file. It works well while submitting, but when I get an e-mail with the information submitted to the webform – the image is not available. I can only see the name of the file, but no image itself. Is there any solution to that?

Thank you in advance!

With best regards,

Hi Anastasiia,

In your webform you should go on Setting → Email/Handlers → Edit. Then scroll down to the appearing window to find the INCLUDED EMAIL VALUES/MARKUP and probably you have to uncheck the box in the end that mentions Exclude file elements with attachments. Most importantly, just below that there is the field named ATTACHMENTS where you should check the box Include files as attachments.

Kind regards,

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Hello Apostolos,

You are a genius! Thank you so much! I just followed the steps and it works! Hurray! And I have been previously going through the settings over and over again trying to find where the issue might lie.

Thank you again! This is wonderful news!

With best regards,

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