How to categorize FAQ?


On our website, we would like to categorize our FAQs as follow:

  • a “Parent category” (which would be “Event”) with the possibility to see the “chidren” (event support, event creation ect…) when we click on it.
    Could you please tell me how to proceed ?

Here the link to our FAQs webpage:

Best regards,

Any ideas on this problem ? :slight_smile:

Hello Guylaine,

There is a similar answer in Categorize the FAQs - #3 by gpachoud . Can you have a look and let me know if thats what you need.


Hi Konstantinos,

Unfortunately, it does not help me. Sorry if my previous message was not clear enough…

Basically, we currently have sevaral FAQs:

  • event budget
  • event creation
  • event planning
  • social event

And we would like to gather them under a “parent” category which would be “event”.
Maybe, you will understand better if you have a look to our website:

Thank you in advance for your help.


I come back to you again because we did not manage to find a solution for our problem.
I send you a screenshot of how we would like our FAQs to be categorized:


My colleague created in the FAQ category, the therm “event” which is the parent of 5 other terms.

Here the link to our website:

Thank you in advance for your help.