How to change background image

I’m using the CERN theme, and would like to know how I can set background images for page, header, footer etc. I found how to set the theme colors, but I could not find how I can set an image as a background.
Many thanks in advance

Hello Federica,

Your question refers to 3 different regions of theme so I will answer for each of them separately.


Unfortunately it is not possible, however you can modify the background color from the appearance page of your settings. (/admin/appearance/settings/cernclean)

Main Content

Not sure what is the use case for that but one way to do something like that would be to create a Landing Page and set the background image as background to a section. You can find more details about it in the Background Settings section of the documentation.


Unfortunately it is not possible, however you can modify the background color from the appearance page of your settings. (/admin/appearance/settings/cernclean)

Alternative Solution

As you already understood, the current implementation of the theme does not support background images. However, you can achieve with a bit of css and using the CERN Override theme. If you do not have knowledge of CSS or you are unaware about who will maintain the website, I would recommend you not using the override theme as it requires someone to maintain your changes.

Let me know if the answer is clear or if you have more questions.
