I have not been able to get an answer to this simple question.
The help desk sent me to this site and I formulated the question in this forum but did not get any answer.
I spent a lot of time trying to change the font and the style on the web paged displayed in Drupl 8 and I cannot find out how to do such trivial thing. One Drupal 7 experty tried with me and he also could not do it.
I am only a beginner with Drupal as our Web administrator left CERN and I would appreciate help to resolve this silly issue.
If some one knows what to do please send me an email directly (jean-pierre.revol@cern.ch)
See screen capture below which I tried to include. It seems that I cannot even include a screen capture in this email!!!
When it’s done, while editing the content, you have to change Text Format in body into CERN Full HTML one and you’ll be able to see more options to change the font. Also, you can click Source and make the changes directly in HTML.