Indico nodes questions

I just notice that the indico nodes I import in my drupal site has a field called Feeds item
Do you know if this is something that arrive directly from indico or is is maybe something assigned by Drupal ? I have a view that is based on this and I need to change but I need to understand what this number means …
thanks in advance

Hi Elena

The feeds item is just the id.


I thought that too but not … as all the ones show in the view
are 31
Content: Feeds item:target_id (= 31)

I now added 36 to see if I can include the one that I want to include …

Hi Elena

The feeds item is the id of the feed. In your case, 31 means feed number 31 created on your website. You can see that at (note the 31 at the beginning). This particular feed is called Indico Workshops Feed and pulls from two categories.
