Module "cern section" installation faild

I have the following message when I tried to install the module ‘CERN Section’
“Unable to install CERN Section due to unmet dependencies: field.field.paragraph.cern_section.field_p_row_left_column (paragraphs.paragraphs_type.cern_agenda_box, paragraphs.paragraphs_type.cern_resource_box)

Can you help me to resolve it ? I need this module to activate ‘CERN landing page’.
Thank you

Hi Kevin

Thanks for reaching out!

Which website is this, and how are you trying to install it?


Hi Joachim ,
The website is : (drupal 9)

It’s strange because I already did two other websites (drupal 8) and no problem for the installation of modules. (no problem either with the migration to Drupal 9 )

Thank you for your help !

Hi Kevin

I am not immediately able to access anything on the te-dep-msc-qa website; could you please add me to the relevant e-group such that I can take a look? Do you perhaps have another potentially outdated CERN module (e.g. Components)? If yes, please try and update that before the Landing Page.


Hi Joachim,
I added you in the drupal admin Egroup (you still have to sign in in the upper right corner). I checked for outdated CERN module but I do not have any option to make them update or to check the last released version. (I have a security update, but I thought it was done by CERN)

Thank you very much for your help!

Hi Kevin

I just checked the website in question, and you appear to be already on Drupal 9. No further action is necessary for you! You can confirm this by accessing and checking the title (note the Drupal 10 part).

I will respond to your e-mail momentarily.

EDIT: Saw your reply, we will take this via Zoom.


Hi Joachim,

Any news ? I really need to resolve this problem.
Otherwise, can I try to duplicate one of my other website ?
Please help me
Best regards,

Hi Kevin

We believe we have identified what caused this issue and a number of other websites are also affected. We are currently in the process of running through the CERN modules we develop to ensure everything is in order; we are hoping to complete this process in the coming days.

In regards to duplicating one of your other websites: Yes, you can do that through the Webservices Portal.


Dear Joachim,

Any news about this problem ?
Thank you,


I am jumping in to this thread instead of creating a new topic, as I have just the same issue (only with a different module). For the website I tried to install CERN Background module, but the error pops-up (please see attached). This module is, however required for the Hero Frame module which in its turn is required for the Landing Page module. And without the Landing Page I am “helpless”. Please let me know too should there be any solution. Thank you very much in advance!

With best regards,

P.S. The website is newly created and (I assume) already runs on Drupal 9.

Hi both

We have a working solution to this, and are seeking to apply and roll it out centrally.

In the meantime, if this is very pressing, you can resolve it yourself by patching the CERN Landing Page (see, however this requires you to be comfortable executing multiple commands through oc. We strongly recommend doing this on a clone website first. If the instructions are not followed precisely, or something goes wrong during the execution, we cannot guarantee that data is not potentially lost during the process.

As this impacts several sites, distributing a patch is a high priority for us.

We appreciate your continued patience!

Hi Joachim,

I’m desperate… the problem still hasn’t solved and I’m not able to patching the CERN Landing Page. It’s been two months now … can you help me?

Best regards,
tel: +41754118777

Hi Kevin

Sorry about this. We are having a look again.

I will reach out via e-mail directly once I have something to share.
