it seems our JSON feed to recuperate the CERN News of type Engineering is not working anymore since the upgrade to Drupal 9 on CERN Engineering News | Engineering Department whereas the data is still available on https://home.cern/api/engineering/hkjdfhaslkjfhaskdioujwmdojw
The error message I saw is “The JSONPath library is not installed.”
How can we fix that?
Thanks and best regards,
Hi Cat
Apologies for the belated response; please check https://en.web.cern.ch/admin/reports/packages
and confirm all packages are installed correctly. We have rolled out a centralised update which contains feeds_ex
and the most common libraries, so this should be present on all websites.
Hi Joachim,
thanks for your reply. I had a look at the packages, they are all there.
I realized that the module itself of feeds_ex needs updating in the meantime which I did. Trying to import now gave
An AJAX HTTP error occurred.
HTTP Result Code: 200
Debugging information follows.
Path: /batch?id=2060&op=do_nojs&op=do
StatusText: OK
and I can’t run the import again, it’s not available anymore, same for another feed using XML
Any ideas?
Hi Cat
I am just following up on this to confirm that we are pushing changes to the CERN Drupal Distribution next week which should address this particular issue regarding feeds_ex
and, by extension, ludwig
. The AJAX HTTP error you note in your prior post is a frontend related timeout and does not immediately impact the backend. What this means is that whatever action which triggered the error would, more likely than not, finalise just fine behind the scenes. We are aware of this issue and understand the frustration it causes.
Hi Joachim, thanks for the update.
Please let me know when things are pushed and can be tested again on our side.
Hi Cat
I am just following up to confirm that an update was pushed last week. We have seen multiple websites experiencing issues with ludwig
now functioning correctly. Can you please confirm whether we managed to address the issues you experienced as well?
Hi Joachim,
yes, it is working now!
I had to change the context though to make the feed run again, but I managed to find the new combination
Hi Cat
Thanks for the confirmation; happy to hear it now works despite requiring a reconfiguration!