The website is displayed distorted in the mobile view

Hello all! I noticed that the content in one of our websites (built in the CERN theme) is displayed distorted when viewed on the mobile version. Anyone knows how to fix this?

Could you please add the name of the site?

Hello @almudena.solero, thank you for your reply! The website I was referring to is: The main issue lied on the very front page as the banner was appeared cutten. Another problem we noticed was in the jury page, where the picture of each member was again distorted. Thankfully, this was sorted out by adding a poster in a vertical view (instead of landscape) on the main website and playing a bit with its dimensions. As for the jury page, I had to re-create the basic page in a format that is easier supported, meaning that the pictures of the judges are over the text instead of next to the text.

Dear Christine
When I display your website in my mobile phone I can see the home page banner properly now.
I suppose that now the problem is solved, in any case thanks for your clarifications. And don’t hesitate to contact the community if needed.