Unable to access website with my admin account


When I try to login to https://sce-dep.web.cern.ch/, I have the following message:
“Unauthorized to log in. A missing role is required to access this application. Please contact the application owner to get access”.

Do you know what happened? Any tips on how to fix this?

Thank you,

Hi Emilie

I have flagged this accordingly.


Hi @ekirschn

This message you see "Unauthorized to log in. A missing role is required to access this application. Please contact the application owner to get access" is due to a rule you or one of the administrators set on the roles.

The role Content_admin was created but also set as Required on the Application level, that means that anyone that requests to access your websites must be have this role (which is determined by the list of egroups you added to the role).

To have this message removed all is necessary is to remove the Required from the role settings.

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Thank you Francisco. I have changed the role content_admin and I have regained access to the website with my admin rights
