Which CERN websites have already upgraded to Drupal 9?

As of 21 December, the following websites have been upgraded to Drupal 9:

  1. abt
  2. abt-piquet
  3. acad-qr
  4. acceleratorsls
  5. actiwiz-dev
  6. admin-eguide
  7. aida-innova
  8. aidainnova
  9. aion-project
  10. alice-analysis
  11. alice-o2-project
  12. alien
  13. alien-d8
  14. alumni
  15. apprentissage-technique
  16. archive-europeanstrategy
  17. arcpic
  18. aries
  19. aries8
  20. astro
  21. astroclub
  22. atlas-caf-tutorial
  23. atomiade
  24. ats
  25. augment
  26. aurevoir
  27. autodesk-task-force
  28. be-dep-abp
  29. be-dep-asr
  30. be-dep-bi
  31. be-dep-bi-ml
  32. be-dep-cem
  33. be-dep-co
  34. be-dep-css
  35. be-dep-ea
  36. be-dep-gm
  37. be-dep-ics
  38. be-dep-op-leir
  39. be-dep-op-lhc
  40. be-dep-op-ps
  41. be-dep-op-psb
  42. be-dep-op-sps
  43. be-dep-rf
  44. be-ics-group-surveys
  45. be-op-ps
  46. be-safety
  47. be-selection-committees
  48. bigbangstage
  49. blmtwg-run3
  50. blond
  51. bls-atlas-collaboration
  52. bujinkan
  53. caec
  54. canoe-kayak
  55. cathi-project
  56. cc60facility
  57. cda-surveys
  58. cenf-dev
  59. cenf-ehn1-np
  60. cerf
  61. cern-eu
  62. cerneu
  63. cern-flyfishing
  64. cern-gracq
  65. cernguides-test-db
  66. cern-ohl
  67. cern-peti
  68. cern-rides
  69. cern-rugby-club
  70. charm
  71. clear2
  72. cloud
  73. cloud-licence-office
  74. club-musiclub
  75. club-welcome
  76. cmg
  77. cms-against-covid19
  78. cmscreate-updatedd8
  79. cms-daq-dth-p1
  80. cms-daq-dth-p2
  81. cms-do-anonymous-msg
  82. cmsengoffice
  83. cms-e-voting
  84. cmsjetmetquestionnaire
  85. cmssafety
  86. cmssafety-drupal8
  87. cmsstatcommmigration
  88. cms-support-tdoan
  89. cms-tbps-db
  90. cms-tfdi-anonymous-msg
  91. codex-b
  92. cofund-questionnaire
  93. cofund-questionnaire-cern
  94. committees
  95. config-man
  96. connectdots
  97. coolingandventilation
  98. copyright
  99. council-votes
  100. cps-coordination
  101. crg
  102. crg-ml-d8
  103. crome
  104. cryo4lhc
  105. cryo4lhc-dp8
  106. cryogenics
  107. crystalclearcollaboration
  108. csaio
  109. ctmc
  110. cyberbeam
  111. cyclingatcern
  112. cylindricalonion
  113. d8-ecfa
  114. database-is
  115. db-3593-updatedd8
  116. design-guidelines
  117. dev-theme
  118. dg-unit
  119. digital-memory-project
  120. diversity-and-inclusion
  121. dmc-new
  122. dosimetry
  123. dphep
  124. dphep-d8
  125. drupal-showcase
  126. drupal-tools
  127. dsoc
  128. ea-ea-le
  129. eam-opensource
  130. easitrain-brochure
  131. easitrainers
  132. easy-start
  133. ecard
  134. ecfa
  135. eco-actions
  136. e-ms
  137. en-cv-cern
  138. en-cv-lhc
  139. en-dpo
  140. en-ea
  141. enlight
  142. enlight2
  143. en-mme-mm
  144. en-safety
  145. en-template
  146. ep-ags-our-reference-guide
  147. ep-data-protection
  148. ep-dep-ags
  149. ep-dep-dt
  150. ep-dep-dt-eo-dev
  151. ep-dep-sft
  152. ep-ese
  153. ep-rnd
  154. erditmigrate
  155. erm-risk-management
  156. esas-alias
  157. esplanade
  158. esps-study
  159. eucapt-census
  160. europeanstrategyupdate
  161. eutelescopedev
  162. event-atlas-week
  163. event-romanian-firms-visit
  164. exit-questionnaire-doct
  165. exitquestionnaireforfellows
  166. exit-questionnaire-ftec
  167. exit-questionnaire-stag
  168. exit-questionnaire-tech-admin
  169. f3me
  170. faser
  171. fcc-designreport
  172. fccis
  173. fcc-ped
  174. fhr
  175. financeclub
  176. fls
  177. fluidicdata
  178. fmcm
  179. fmcm-d8
  180. foss4i-updatedd8
  181. foundationglobe
  182. fpcp-conferences
  183. fspsps
  184. fundraiserforlebanon
  185. games-club
  186. gandalf-framework
  187. gdd
  188. genhet
  189. german-dac
  190. gracq-cern
  191. gtpa
  192. healthinsuranceschemechis
  193. hepix-ipv6
  194. hep-project-gfs
  195. hep-service-cerf
  196. hflav
  197. hgc-db-updatedd8
  198. hiradmat
  199. hiringmanagersurvey
  200. hl-lhc-computing
  201. home
  202. hpc4l-db-updatedd8
  203. hssip
  204. hts
  205. iaxo
  206. icec-new
  207. iefc-drupal
  208. iml
  209. info-portugal
  210. information-technology
  211. inparticulartmp
  212. intelum
  213. intelum-new
  214. internal-audit-drupal8
  215. internal-audit-service
  216. internship-portal
  217. ipv6
  218. ir-dpo-office
  219. isballot
  220. isolde-d8
  221. isolde-solenoidal-spectrometer
  222. isotdaq-schools
  223. it-archives
  224. itp
  225. itserversdonations
  226. it-student-projects
  227. knowing-it-users-better
  228. knowing-it-users-better-upgrade
  229. lcgdm
  230. ldg-expert-group-webpage
  231. lhcathome
  232. lhcathome-archive-upgrade
  233. lhcb-computing-shifters
  234. lhcb-early-career-scientist-awards
  235. lhcb-ecgd-survey
  236. lhcb-ecs
  237. lhcbpnpimuon
  238. lhcb-survey
  239. lhc-coordination
  240. lhc-mentoring
  241. lhcone
  242. lhcreate2017-updatedd8
  243. lhcreate2018-updatedd8
  244. lhcreate-updatedd8
  245. lhec-drupal8
  246. linac14
  247. lisa-itn
  248. livinglab
  249. lmc-public
  250. lpcc
  251. ls2-committee-mgt
  252. mario-drupal8-0x
  253. mathusla-experiment
  254. mcwg
  255. medipix
  256. mice-procurement
  257. microclub
  258. milliqan-db-updatedd8
  259. miniball
  260. moedal
  261. moedal2020
  262. molflow
  263. molflow-drupal8
  264. mooc
  265. mpe-cb
  266. my-first-easystart
  267. na64
  268. na65
  269. neutrino-secretariat
  270. new-alpha
  271. newcomersguide
  272. new-incidents
  273. newsletter
  274. new-timeline-4
  275. nimms
  276. ntof-test
  277. official-home
  278. ombuds
  279. opense
  280. opense-d8
  281. operational-intelligence
  282. passeport-big-bang
  283. pbc
  284. pbc-backup
  285. pensionfund
  286. per
  287. per-questionnaires
  288. photoclub
  289. photoemission
  290. photowalk
  291. physicsschool
  292. pic
  293. playprotons
  294. ppc
  295. privacy
  296. project-360
  297. project-hl-lhc-industry
  298. project-itp-dr
  299. project-stream
  300. project-training-avignes
  301. project-training-lthomasb
  302. project-training-mrojewsk-drupal8
  303. project-training-pmarinho
  304. project-training-vwedlake
  305. project-training-zgarai
  306. qartlab
  307. quaco
  308. quantumacy
  309. quantumfuture
  310. quantumfutures
  311. questionnaire-ftec
  312. r2e
  313. radsaga
  314. radwg
  315. rcs
  316. rd51-public
  317. recuperation-sales
  318. rilis-web
  319. rtf-sg-info
  320. safetyofficete
  321. sce-dep
  322. school-digilibrary
  323. scoollab
  324. scrivens-drupal
  325. service-ats-desktop-support
  326. service-hotel
  327. sgm
  328. sg-navigation-content
  329. shine
  330. shine8
  331. shine8demo
  332. shine8easy
  333. sidis
  334. sigmon
  335. snd-lhc
  336. solvay-education-programme
  337. spain
  338. spain-at-cern-migration
  339. sparks-2021
  340. specxray
  341. sps-coordination
  342. ssp-isolde
  343. ssp-isolde-cern
  344. summerstudent
  345. summerstudents2019
  346. support-drupal8
  347. survey-poll
  348. surveys
  349. swan2
  350. sxa5-db-updatedd8
  351. sxa5-updatedd8
  352. sy-data-protection
  353. sy-dep
  354. sy-dep-abt
  355. sy-dep-ar
  356. sy-dep-bi
  357. sy-dep-epc
  358. sy-dep-rf
  359. sy-dep-sti
  360. sy-epc-fpc
  361. sy-safety-service
  362. sy-tm
  363. sytm
  364. technology-dep
  365. te-data-protection
  366. te-dep-crg-ci
  367. te-dep-crg-ml
  368. te-dep-crg-ml-2
  369. te-dep-crg-ml-3
  370. te-dep-meb
  371. te-dep-msc-cmi
  372. te-dep-msc-lmf
  373. te-dep-vsc-2-drupal8
  374. tedxcern
  375. telework-survey
  376. te-msc3
  377. te-msc-group-webpage
  378. te-msc-mm
  379. te-msc-ncm
  380. test-adminprocess
  381. test-cc60
  382. test-cernandsociety-dev
  383. testexit-questionnaire-doct
  384. test-foss4i-updatedd8
  385. test-online-webfest
  386. test-volunteer
  387. te-vsc-group-drupal
  388. tg-cons
  389. tgeant
  390. th-dep-photos
  391. timeline
  392. tklayout
  393. tmp-sce-dep
  394. translation-council-support-group
  395. tributetoteresarodrigo
  396. twepp-workshops-admin
  397. ua9-new
  398. ua9new
  399. unison-cms
  400. universalscience
  401. universalscience2019
  402. uointernal
  403. uscern-dev
  404. userspetition
  405. uslhc-networking
  406. value-of-training-survey
  407. volmeur
  408. volunteer-generator
  409. webfest-hackathon
  410. webfest-online
  411. wic
  412. wi-fi-mostly
  413. wit-old
  414. wlcg
  415. wlcg-ops
  416. ysc-notebook-repo