Qr code not opening the product page

I am writing to ask for your support i am experiencing after the recent upgrades of the drupal website.
basically we are using drupal to document the life cycle of some parts we are making.
each part is identified with a QR code. Previously when scanned the QR code, we would login the website and subsequently access the page containing the information of the related part.
Currently every time we scan the qr code and after login in we are redirected to a page identifying the user.
could you please advise on this issue?
thanks, Joao

Hi Joao

This is indeed a result of being migrated to OpenShift and subsequently updated to Drupal 9. However, you can achieve this functionality using the Redirect module (see https://www.drupal.org/project/redirect ). You might also find https://drupal-community.web.cern.ch/t/default-page-while-signing-in/1441 helpful.


Hi Joachim,
i checked the webpage you mentioned but to be frank with you i am not sure how to use the information provide in my case. basically i have hundreds of components (and keep adding) with QR code and if i well understood i should manually do this for every page…this seems to me not efficient.
thanks for you time and help.

Hi Joao

You should be able to configure it such that users are re-directed to the page they attempted to access prior to being asked to authorise. This way, you need not add redirection for each page associated with a QR code. Again, what you are seeing is strictly related to the OpenShift migration and the associated SSO changes.
